Hero Background (with text)

"Behind the book"

A behind-the-scenes video detailing the process of writing and illustrating Home in the Woods.


Eliza Wheeler is an illustrator and author of books for kids, teens, and the young at heart. Her book Miss Maple’s Seeds was a NYT bestseller, and her book Home in the Woods was dubbed “Gorgeous” by the New York Times book review. Eliza is based in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

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Portfolio Comparison: What made an SCBWI winner

August 22, 2011

  Over the past three years that I’ve been pursuing children’s illustration, I have experienced what is likely normal for one new to the field; a lack of focus and direction in my work. When trying to find my voice, I’ve been scattered stylistically, drawing certain ways because I can, but not because I should. Since starting out, I have been working steadily at reining in my hand, and being much more intentional in the way that I draw. At last year’s SCBWI conference, I received the mentorship award, which allowed me to meet with six industry professionals and get…

Exciting Book News!

August 19, 2011

    I’m so excited to be able to share the official news that I’ve been offered a book contract with Nancy Paulsen Books, a division of Penguin Books for Young Readers!! This will be my first written AND illustrated book, and I couldn’t be more thrilled to be working with Nancy Paulsen as my editor, and Cecilia Yung as my art director. I owe Cecilia so many thanks, who I met through the SCBWI Mentorship program last year. She generously invited me to send her one of the stories I had been working on, and even more generously passed…

On Winning the SCBWI Portfolio Showcase

August 15, 2011

    I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I won! This year’s SCBWI conference was more than I could have ever expected it to be. I got to spend tons of time with my fellow Mentees who were able to be there, see old friends, meet new ones, and just all around be inspired. I’m so excited and honored to share with you my news of winning the Portfolio Showcase grand prize at this year’s SCBWI Summer Conference! Since receiving last year’s Mentorship award, I worked hard revising my portfolio according to the suggestions of the Mentors. Going to…

See you at the SCBWI-LA conference!

August 4, 2011

  Starting early tomorrow morning is the annual Society of Children’s Book Writer’s and Illustrator’s conference in Century City, Los Angeles. Publishers, editors, agents, art directors, writers and illustrators in the children’s book field get together and geek out about kids books (picture books up to YA novels). What could be better? I’ve been working for the past 6 months on revising my portfolio for the illustrator’s Portfolio Display on Saturday night. After winning the Mentorship Award Program last year along with 5 super talented illustrators (Debbie Ohi, Ashley Mims, Andrea Offermann, Kimberly Gee, and John Deininger), this year will…