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How I Met My Agent: Jen Rofé

August 13, 2012

Have I told you yet that I have an agent? No?? You guys, I have an agent! She’s Jen Rofé. And, she’s awesome. Here’s the story: Getting into the business of illustrating and writing for children, I knew early on that I would benefit from a literary agent. Some people are comfortable negotiating their own projects, but I wasn’t born with fast-talking, business-savvy genes. Aside from contract negotiations, many agents…

A Sad Goodbye: Patricia Cantor

July 20, 2012

    I met Pat Cantor at my very first Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators Summer Conference in 2009, where she was among many of the wonderful illustration comrades I’ve made. Ever since meeting her I have looked up to her as an illustrator and person, feeling like she’s been something of a trail-blazer for those of us starting out. She won the SCBWI National Portfolio Showcase grand…

Thinking of Maurice Sendak

May 8, 2012

    “I have nothing now but praise for my life. I’m not unhappy. I cry a lot because I miss people. They die and I can’t stop them. They leave me and I love them more. … What I dread is the isolation. … There are so many beautiful things in the world which I will have to leave when I die, but I’m ready, I’m ready, I’m ready.”…

Sigh of Relief Due Upon Completion

April 30, 2012

    It’s been months of intense work here on my picture book project, and the interior artwork is all sent off to New York. Though I have yet to do the cover and endpaper artwork, there’s a big sense of accomplishment and relief knowing that the bulk of the work is finished. I can’t wait to share this artwork with you as soon as I’m able to!