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SCBWI Mentorship Friends

January 31, 2013

One of the many things that I love about being a part of The Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI), is that with each conference and event I meet new wonderful writer/illustrator friends. This has become more significant since I’ve been a part of the Summer Conference Mentorship Award, in 2010. I’ve made some of my closest illustrator friends, Debbie Ohi, Kimberly Gee, and Andrea Offermann during my…

New Piece: Mother West Wind

January 7, 2013

I wanted to share with you my latest personal work, which I finished in December as a gift to my grandmother, Marvel Swanson. I credit Grandma Swanson for instilling in me an early love of children’s books. She has adored children’s stories since she was little, and when she read to me as a child I could tell she genuinely enjoyed every word and picture she shared with me. I…

Miss Maple’s Seeds: F&G’s

November 29, 2012

The F&G’s for Miss Maple’s Seeds are in! This is exciting for two reasons: 1) I get to walk around saying “F&G!” and nobody can scold me. 2) I get to see a beautiful printed proof of my book, all laid out and paginated. As you’ve likely deduced by now, F&G is not a literary swear word – it stands for “folded and gathered”.  F&G: “folded and gathered”. A complete printed…

Current Projects: Rundown

November 16, 2012

I have so many pieces of news to share! MISS MAPLE’S SEEDS story and illustrations, Nancy Paulsen Books/Penguin My first very own picture book! Coming out April 4, 2013.   DOLL BONES, by Holly Black illustrations, Simon and Schuster I created cover art and interior black and white chapter drawings for Holly Black’s new middle grade novel (HOLLY BLACK!). Coming Spring 2013.   THE GRUDGE KEEPER, by Mara Rockliff illustrations, Peachtree Illustrations for…